Thursday, November 5, 2009

What is a School Counselor?

I've noticed that there is usually confusion about what exactly a school counselor does. First, here's a list of things we are NOT:

  • A babysitter
  • A secretary
  • A nurse
  • The "candy" lady (or man)
  • A babysitter
  • The villain who puts the new student in your class when you don't have any extra desks
  • The villain who won't switch around your child's schedule so that he can be with his friends
  • The slacker who allows students to come to the office just to "chill" and miss class
  • A babysitter
  • A disciplinarian
  • The villain who can't wait to call a student out of your art/history/math/photography class
  • Your child's "best friend"
  • Did I mention babysitter?

And now, here are things school counselors actually provide:

  • A shoulder to cry on
  • A new study skill to use on the next test
  • Encouragement to get students/teachers/parents through the day
  • A resource for all things personal/academic/career-based
  • Referrals to outside agencies
  • A pillow to scream in (I actually have one in my office)
  • A Koosh ball to squeeze on (adults can use these, too!)
  • Assessments to determine future goals
  • An array of strategies to help your student/child reach their goals
  • A miracle

Any questions? :)


  1. How about "the know-nothing villain who's supposed to explain the my child's teachers how fragile he/she is, but didn't" (I'm sure you've heard that one before)

    but seriously, I'm sure you are also "an ear but not a mouth (what is said in the counselor's office, stays in the counselor's office)"

    I guess you're busy with writing and your other blogs, but please don't neglect this one.
